Coral Reef Ecosystem Restoration
Working Group

Coral health in the sanctuary has declined over the past several decades due to coastal development, pollution, overfishing, vessel groundings, storms, and coral disease and bleaching. In recent years, great strides have been made to grow corals in underwater nurseries for the purpose of restoring reefs. The sanctuary has permitted coral restoration efforts inside and outside protected zones, and while no area currently exists for intensive restoration efforts, the sanctuary's original management plan considered utilizing marine zoning to achieve this purpose. Public comment received during the initial public scoping period along with the goals and objectives adopted by the Sanctuary Advisory Council have made the topic of coral ecosystem restoration a priority for the marine zoning and regulatory review restoration.
- Identify specific areas and zones for active restoration of coral reef ecosystem
- Identify regulatory impediments and appropriate permitting conditions for active restoration of coral reef ecosystem species
- Identify adaptive management measures/criteria for opening areas closed for restoration purposes (i.e., performance standards for sunset)
Advisory Council Lead - Ken Nedimyer
Advisory Council Co-lead - David Vaughan
Advisory Council Representatives:
- Clinton Barras, SAC Tourism - Lower Keys
- Alex Brylske, SAC Education & Outreach
- Jeff Cramer, SAC Fishing - Commercial - Shell/Scale
- Don Kincaid, SAC Diving - Lower Keys
- Rob Mitchell, SAC Diving - Upper Keys
- Martin Moe, SAC Education & Outreach
- Ken Nedimyer, SAC Conservation & Environment
- Bob Smith, SAC Diving - Lower Keys
- David Vaughan, SAC Research & Monitoring
Community Experts:
- Patti Gross, History of Diving Museum
- Caitlin Lustic, The Nature Conservancy
- Jeff Neidlinger, A Deep Blue Dive Center
- Marius Venter, Fury Water Adventures
Staff Lead: Bill Goodwin
For advisory council meeting archives visit: Current Year or Previous Year Archives.
Draft Recommendations
- Draft Criteria for Zone Selection (pdf, 116 kb)
- Draft Recommendations for Sanctuary Advisory Council Consideration (pdf, 153 kb)
- Draft Recommendations for Coral Reef Ecosystem Restoration Zones: All Zones Identified (pdf, 614 kb)
- Draft Recommendations for Coral Reef Ecosystem Restoration Zones: Priority Zones Identified (pdf, 491 kb)
- Coral Reef Ecosystem Restoration Working Group Recommendations to SAC (pdf, 4.2 MB)
Materials to be presented at the June 17, 2014 Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting
Data and Mapping Applications
- Adaptive Management Applications Guide (pdf, 16.7 MB)
- Condition Report 2011 for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
- Draft Advisory Council Regulatory and Zoning Alternatives Development Workplan (pdf, 257 kb)
- Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Revised Management Plan, 2007
Coral Nurseries
Coral Reef Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring
- Acropora Population Decline in Keys (pdf, 3.2 MB)
- Connected Restoration Monitoring Report (pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Elpis Restoration Monitoring Report (pdf, 6.5 MB)
- High Resolution Landscape Mosaics for Coral Reef Monitoring (pdf, 2.2 MB)
- Lagniappe II Monitoring Report (pdf, 649 kb)
- Maitland Restoration Monitoring (pdf, 2.6 MB)
- Measuring Coral Community Health (pdf, 1 MB)
- Recruitment and Survival of Threatened Acropora palmata at Looe Key Reef and Broward County First Reef (pdf, 92 kb)
- Wellwood Fish Assemblage Monitoring Final Report (pdf, 1.2 MB)
- Wellwood Restoration Monitoring Report (pdf, 2.9 MB)
Coral Reef Ecosystem Management
- Acropora Endangered Species Act Listing Workshop (pdf, 3.2 MB)
- Coral Recovery in Marine Zones (pdf, 216 kb)
- Prioritizing Key Resilience Indicators (pdf, 374 kb)
- Restoring the Biology of the Great Barrier Reef (pdf, 392 kb)
Coral Reef Ecosystem Restoration
- Acropora Conservation Restoration Workshop Report (pdf, 337 kb)
- Adaro Restoration Final Report (pdf, 1.7 MB)
- Aquarius Coral Restoration/Resilience Experiment Acropora Restoration Report (pdf, 1.5 MB)
- Belize Reef Restoration Case Study (pdf, 1.5 MB)
- Coral Reef Restoration, Plus Artificial Fish Habitats (pdf, 217 kb)
- Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Coral Restoration in the Florida Keys and Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuaries (pdf, 1.6 MB)
- Landscape-scale Approaches for Future Coral Reef Restoration Projects (pdf, 677 kb)
- Maitland Restoration and Monitoring (pdf, 2.3 MB)
- NMS Coral Reef Restoration PEIS (pdf, 1.1 MB)
- Reef Restoration of the Keys (pdf, 189 kb)
- Restoring Reefs Under Siege (pdf, 1.1 MB)
- Sanctuary Coral Culture Costs Final Report (pdf, 546 kb)
- TNC EcoReef Final Report (pdf, 1.5 MB)
- TNC Outplanting Interim Report (pdf, 1.7 MB)