For Divers

In a 2022 survey by The Reef-World Foundation, 82% of divers across the globe responded that they would like further education on protecting marine life while on vacation. The results are hardly a surprise, as the diving community is among the most environmentally-conscious groups of people in the world. Fortunately, there are many ways for members of the diving community to immerse themselves in the effort to keepĀ Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary clean and healthy for the wildlife that depend on it and future generations of ocean-loving scuba divers.

Marine Debris
Thousands of pounds of debris are removed annually from our waters.

Coral Restoration
One of the largest coral restoration projects in the world relies on community divers for stewardship. Find out how you can become an Iconic Reefs Guardian.

Maritime Heritage
Hundreds of shipwrecks in the sanctuary remain to be better understood, and volunteers can play a role in this community archeology.

Divers in Florida are encouraged to become a part of the BleachWatch Observer Network by participating in a training session and submitting reports of bleached coral.