Study Areas and Boundary Modification

The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) boundary was designated in 1990 and adjusted to encompass additional areas in the Tortugas region in 2001. Increased knowledge of ecosystem connectivity, management efficiencies and the need to protect critical habitats adjacent to the sanctuary were discussed in the 2011 Condition Report and raised during scoping. At their December 11, 2012, the Sanctuary Advisory Council discussed six Proposed Study Areas and added two additional areas for study. The advisory council passed a motion recommending eight areas be analyzed in the sanctuary's economic and environmental impact analysis.

Workplan Objectives

  1. Determine a study areas the area in which zoning discussions should occur.
  2. Determine potential boundary modification alternatives for the purposes of environmental review.

For advisory council meeting archives visit: Current Year or Previous Year Archives.

Presentations on Study Area and Boundary Enforcement

December 12, 2012 Presentation: Summary of Boundary Adjustment Options and Study Area Recommendations (1,300 kb MB)


The following Motion was passed at the December 11, 2012 meeting: Motion of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Study Area and Boundary Modifications for Analysis in the Marine Zoning and Regulatory Review Process (pdf, 27 kb).

Note: A discussion of study areas and boundary modifications, including maps of the study areas, can be found in Section 2.1 (pp. 29-32) of the Sanctuary Advisory Council Regulatory and Zoning Alternatives Development Work-Plan Actions for Review and Recommendation (pdf, 4,464 kb).