Archived Documents
These archived documents were utilized in the creation of the current proposed rule.
DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Marine Zoning and Regulatory Review

Since publication of the initial DEIS economic numbers have been corrected.
Chapter 1 - Introduction & Background
Chapter 2 - Purpose of and Need for Action
Chapter 3 - Description of Alternatives
Chapter 4 - Affected Environment
Chapter 5 - Environmental Consequences
Chapter 7 - References
Appendix A - List of Preparers
Appendix B - Technical Revisions
Appendix C - Draft Programmatic Agreement
Appendix D - Regulatory Framework
Appendix E - Listed species
Appendix F - Navy Operational Environment
Appendix G - Correspondence to Date
The maps below depict sanctuary boundary and marine zone alternatives included in the 2019 Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: A Restoration Blueprint. The sanctuary received public and agency comment on these alternatives, which inform the sanctuary boundary and marine zone proposals included in the proposed rule which is available for public comment through October 26, 2022.
Sanctuary Boundary
Upper Keys Region and Marine Zones
- Upper Keys Alt 1
- Upper Keys Alt 2
- Upper Keys Alt 3
- Upper Keys Alt 4
- Key Largo EMA
- Turtle Rocks
- Crocodile Lake
- Carysfort Reef
- Barnes Card Sound
- Eastern Lake Surprise
- Elbow Reef
- Whitmore Bight
- Grecian Dry Rocks
- Pelican Key
- French Reef
- Molasses Reef
- Dove and Rodriguez Key
- Pigeon Key
- Snapper Ledge
- Tavernier Key
- Conch Reef
- Davis Reef
- Hen and Chickens
Middle Keys Region and Marine Zones
Lower Keys Region and Marine Zones
- Lower Keys Alt 1
- Lower Keys Alt 2
- Lower Keys Alt 3
- Lower Keys Alt 4
- East Bahia Honda
- West Bahia Honda
- Horseshoe Key
- Little Pine Key
- Water Key Mangroves
- Newfound Harbor
- Looe Key
- Content and Howe Keys
- Torch Key Mangroves
- Key Lois and Loggerhead
- Crane Keys
- Northeast Tarpon Belly
- Sawyer Keys
- Happy Jack Key Double
- Marvin Keys
- Pelican Shoal
- Snipe Keys
- Mud Keys
- Western Sambo
- East Harbor and Lower Harbor Keys
- Cayo Agua
- Bay Keys
- Demolition Key
Marquesas Region and Marine Zones
- Marquesas Alt 1
- Marquesas Alt 2
- Marquesas Alt 3
- Marquesas Alt 4
- Sand Rock and Eastern Dry Rocks
- Archer Key
- Mullet and Cottrell Keys
- Barracouta Key Flats
- Western Dry Rocks
- Boca Grande Woman Wilma Keys
- Marquesas Key
- Marquesas turtle
Tortugas Region and Marine Zones
Background Material

English EspañolExisting Sanctuary Regulations
Existing Sanctuary Management Plan
Sanctuary Advisory Council Regulatory and Zoning Alternatives Development Workplan
Sanctuary Advisory Council and working group meetings
Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Assessment (PDF)