Sanctuary Advisory Council

National Marine sanctuary advisory councils are community-based advisory groups established to provide advice and recommendations to the superintendents of the national marine sanctuaries and marine national monuments. Councils also serve as liaisons between their constituents in the community and sanctuaries. Sanctuary advisory councils provide advice about sanctuary operations and projects, including education and outreach, research and science, regulations and enforcement, and management planning. They are particularly critical in helping a sanctuary during the designation process for new sanctuaries and the management plan review process for established sites.
Council members provide expertise about the local community and sanctuary resources, strengthen connections with the community, and help build increased stewardship for sanctuary resources.
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council
In 1990, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Protection Act was approved, authorizing the establishment of a Sanctuary Advisory Council for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The first council meeting took place in February 1992.
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council members represent boating, conservation and environment, diving, education and outreach, South Florida ecosystem restoration, fishing (commercial and recreational), elected county government, submerged cultural resources, research and monitoring, tourism and the community at large. The council meets six times a year.
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Charter (pdf, 192 KB)
The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Charter describes the roles and objectives of the council's activities, procedural requirements regarding the appointment of council members and officers, member conduct, and other requirements.
For additional information, contact Advisory Council Coordinator Elizabeth Trueblood.
Advisory Council Members
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary routinely recruits for seats on its advisory council. The council ensures public participation in the management of the sanctuary.
Advisory Council Meetings
Find information about upcoming Sanctuary Advisory Council meetings and announcements, as well as archived notes and materials from past meetings.
Advisory Council Working Groups
The advisory council may establish special working groups and subcommittees to address issues that require time outside of regularly scheduled meetings. Learn about past and present working groups in this section.
Advisory Council Recruitment
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary seeks applicants for the Sanctuary Advisory Council. The council ensures public participation in sanctuary management and provides advice to the sanctuary superintendent.