Maddie Cholnoky

Mission: Iconic Reefs Implementation Manager
Maddie Cholnoky has always been drawn to the ocean, ever since her first word, "fish". Her journey led her to Key Largo, Florida in 2018, where she dedicated herself to a career in scuba diving instruction and marine conservation. Maddie has an undergraduate degree in environmental studies from Rollins College, and a master’s degree is in environmental sciences and policy from Johns Hopkins University. She is also an MSDT PADI instructor and, in her free time, enjoys helping local dive operators by guiding clients around Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, and teaching them how to be smart, safe divers and stewards of the underwater world.
Maddie is the Mission: Iconic Reefs implementation manager. Her role involves coordinating, managing and tracking all aspects of Mission: Iconic Reefs implementation including collaborating with coral restoration practitioners and other external partners, overseeing project progress, and analyzing metrics to ensure project goals and objectives are met. Maddie's position works to support resource protection and restoration goals in the sanctuary.